Compressor rotors are usually balanced' step by step' in manufacturing at first and would be bal-anced at running speed after assembly, However it will be rather difficult for the users. Damage ofcompressor rotors occurs sometimes over long period of oporation. If damage is not so serious, userscan repair it by themselves. But, if high speed balancing is a 'must', the rotor will have to be trans-ported back to the manufacturer, it is very expansive and much trouble. Therefore usere have beentrying to balance this kind of rotore with low speed balancing machine, but runnins state of rotors hasnot been so satisfactory due to the use of ordinary two-plane low speed balancing.The author presents in this paper a methed which will greatly enhance the reliability of low speedbalancins for high sed rotors through years of his research work and practice.This method is built on the basis of theoretical analysis of flexible rotor balancing. Using a calcu-lation of errors we can select the suitable location of each correction plane. An important point is thatthe unbalance on thrust disk or coupling must be corrected using its own plane. Author is sure that thismethod will bring a great interest to users.
Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics