本文以马克思、恩格斯的文本为根据 ,按照马克思、恩格斯思想发展的内在逻辑 ,澄清了我国学术理论界对马克思、恩格斯关于俄国公社是否有可能跨越资本主义制度的卡夫丁峡谷问题的一个误解 ,即有人认为马克思和恩格斯在这个问题上的思想是不一致的 ,甚至是互相矛盾的。作者认为 ,马克思和恩格斯对俄国公社及其发展道路的看法基本一致同时又存在一些差别 ,而不是互相矛盾、互相对立的。
Based on the writings of Marx and Engles and according to the inner developing logic of Marx and Engles's thought, this paper clarifies a misunderstanding among Chinese scholars over the question as to if Marx and Engles think the Russian Commune could leap over the capitalist “Furcae Caudinae”, or in other words, someone is of the opinion that Marx's thought and Engles' are inconsistent in this connection, or even in mutual conflict. Concerning the Russian Commune and its course of development, the author holds that, Marx's opinion and Engles', though different in some way, are basically consistent, not in mutual contradiction or conflict.
Journal of Beijing administration institute