蛋白质组学是近几年出现的生物学者研究的热点和新领域.人类基因组"工作框架图"的完成,标志着后基 因组时代的来临,在后基因组时代,研究的中心将从揭示生命的所有遗传信息转移到在整体水平上对功能的研究,主 要以蛋白质组为中心阐述了一些与其相关的概念、研究内容、技术及其应用方面的研究进展;在这其中,蛋白质组学 的相关概念包括结构基因组学和功能蛋白质组学;而研究技术主要有2-DE技术、生物质谱技术、蛋白质芯片技术以及 生物信息学技术等.
Proteomics is a hot new research area studied by biologists in recent years. With the accomplishment of 'working atlas' on human genome, the post-genome time is coming; In this period, the center of research will be diverted from all the genetic information to the study of total function. This article mainly introduces research advance in pertinent conception, study contents, research technology and the application of proteomics. The contents of research include structural genomics and functional genomics while the study technology includes 2-DE, bio-mass spectrometer, protein chip, bioinformaticas, and so on.
Journal of Southwest Minzu University(Natural Science Edition)