目前多数医学图书馆的主要问题是专业人员非正常流失,严重影响工作的正常进行。经费短缺和人员流失迫使馆长们不得不把创收作为头等大事来抓。稳定队伍成为摆在所有公益性服务单位领导面前的一个沉重的课题。 一、医学科学院图书馆专业干部队伍现状 1.基本情况:本馆在编人员总数64人,其中行政、管理干部13人,业务人员51人。学历和专业技术职称情况分别为:研究生毕业2人,本科毕业11人,专科毕业22人,中专毕业9人,高中毕业1人,初中毕业1人;副研究馆员以上5人,中级职称13人,助理馆员20人,管理员8人,未定职称5人。大专及以上学历人员35人,占专业人员总数68.6%;
It is the purpose of medical libraries to provide useful medical information service for medical care , scientific researches and medical education, which is also the ultimate aim of medical libraries to train amd bring up qualified personnel. Rational personnel exchange benefits to bring up a large number of high level professionals. Therefore, a study should be made on the current state and problems of the pro fessionals in medical libraries so as to find out the effective measures in the course of reform deepening. This will not only find a way out for the development of medical libraries, but also provide opportunities for the professionals in library and information science to demonstrate their talents.