113例系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者外用血象分析发现,SLE有不同程度上细胞减少的占 84.07%,Hb、WBC、PC三系中可单项减少,也可二系或三系均减少。61例SLE患者骨髓象分析发现,骨髓增生活跃或明显活跃的占96.72%;核左移的占49.18%;粒细胞胞浆中出现中毒颗粒或空泡形成的占24.59%;成熟红细胞有低色素性改变的占24.59%;巨核细胞增多的占22.95%;血小板形成减少的占21.3%’浆细胞反应性增多的占31.15%;1例呈典型原发性血小板减少性紫癜骨髓象;1例呈典型再障骨髓象。
The analysis of peripheral blood pictures on 113 Patients with SLE showed thatthe hematocytopenia with different degree was in84. 07%. In the three groups of Hb,WBC and PC, one, two or all three groups also reduced. The anaiysls of bone marrowsmear on 61 patients indicated that 96. 72% were hyperplastic or Singificantly hyperplastic, band - form granulocyte increased in 49. 18 %, 24. 59%granulocyteappeared toxic granules or vacuolization24. 59% of erythrecyte were hypochromic,22.95% were megakaryocytosis. 21.3% were reduction of thrombocytopoiesis. Theplasmocytes increased reactively in 31. 15% one patients bone marrow smear showedtypical idiopathic thrombocytopenia. And auother one was typical aplastic anemia.