本文利用中韩现存史料以及新发现的金石墓志资料 ,探讨了罗唐战争期间 (6 6 9— 6 76 )、战后双方的交往 ,交往的性质 ,中韩学界对其的评议等问题。认为战争的终结是在新罗积极抵抗 ,唐朝军事目标转移及罗唐双方通过交涉前提下达成的一种妥协 ,应该说双方没有严格意义上的胜者或败者 。
This paper, making use of the existent materials in China and South Korea and newly-found epitaphs, discusses the intercourse of Xinluo and Tang Dynasty and its nature in and after the war as well as the comments made by the scholars both from China and South Korea. It thinks that the end of war was led to by a compromise reached between Xinluo and Tang Dynasty under the premises of Xinluo's active resistance and the transfer of the military aim of Tang dynasty as well as the negotiation between the both sides. Properly speaking, neither is winner nor loser, but both attain to their anticipative aims.
China's Borderland History and Geography Studies