对西瓜种子在不同NaCl浓度下发芽率、发芽指数(G0、活力指数( )、相对发芽率(Pi)等指标的测定。研究结果表明:西瓜种子萌发过程中,耐盐的适宜浓度范围为0~90mmol/L;在此区间,浓度间各项指标无明显差异,超过90mmol/L的浓度时,随着浓度的增加,各项指标相对明显下降,且明显低于对照(不是绝对),超过210mmol/L浓度时,种子基本无法生存,品种L13在150浓度下就已无法生存,而品种L2即使在210浓度下仍有一定的发芽率,这说明L13为盐敏感品种,L2属耐盐品种。
The indexes of germination rate,germination index number(Gi),vitality indexnumber(Vi),and reality germination rate(Pi)ect.under different densities of NaCl to thewatermelon seed were tested.The result showed:In the case of the watermclon seed pruning,the suitable density scope of the salt is 0~90mM/L.During the scope,each index sing in density has no obvious difference;over 90mM/L,as the increasing of density, each index sign decreases,and lower than the contrast(is not absoluten)reality;over 210mM/L,the seed has no life basically,species L_2 can't live in 150mM/L,while species L_2 has.certain germination rate,which shows L_(13) is salt sensitive species and L_2 is the salttolerant species.
Journal of Henan Vocation-Technical Teachers College