目的 掌握五华县地方性氟中毒的病情现状 ,为今后预防地方性氟中毒提供科学依据。方法 在 19个病区村中随机抽取 9个 ,采用分层整群抽样方法 ,对轻、中、重病区分别随机抽取各 3个病区村为调查点。调查 8~ 12岁儿童氟斑牙、成人氟骨症患病情况 ;检测饮水氟含量、8~ 12岁儿童尿氟含量 ;调查改水情况。结果 8~ 12岁儿童的氟斑牙总患病率为 18.0 3 %,未检出重度氟骨症患者 ;饮水氟平均浓度为 0 .5 4mg/L ;8~ 12岁儿童尿氟含量的几何均值为 1.0 2mg/L ;调查点总改水率 10 0 %。结论 五华县地方性氟毒病情基本得到控制 ,原有氟中毒患者病情逐渐减轻的趋势 。
Objective To understand the present condition of endemic fluorosis in Wu Hua county in GuangDong province, and for the prevention and control to provide science the basis for endemic fluorosis of aftertime.Methods We pick up 9 countries by the way of random sampling investigation in the countries of 19 endemic fluorosis areas; Accordance the population in the areas with slight disease, quite disease and severely disease was taken into research. Dental fluorosis in children aged 8 to 12 and serious skeletal fluorosis in adults were taken into research. Inspection for the fluoride content in water and in the 8 to 12 years old children's urine; Investigation for circumstance of change the source.Results The incidence rate of dental fluorosis in children aged 8 to 12 was 18.03%, didn't look up the serious skeletal fluorosis patient; The average fluoride content in water was 0.54 mg/L; In the 8 to 12 years old children's urine average was 1.02 mg/L; The disease area change the source rate was 100%. Conclusions The condition of endemic fluorosis in Wu Hua county in GuangDong province have been almost controlled, and have to turn the slight trend. The management and the use of facilities that change the source need to enhanced further in some serious endemic disease areas.
Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases