白先勇和苏童都曾以女性形象为核心建构了自己的文学世界 ,有别于众多男性作家塑造的传统女性形象 ,女性在他们笔下不再是空洞的能指。在对女性生存之痛的共同关注中 ,二者在女性命运舞台的设置上、人性善恶的趋向上以及女性形象的塑造中又呈现出一些差异。白先勇和苏童用各自独特的笔触描绘着女性世界 ,进而引发对女性命运的关照。
Both BAI Xian-yong and SU Tong ha ve built their literature world surrounding women image. Different from numerous traditional women images that male writers mould, women no longer means emptine ss in their works. In the common concern for the pain which women survive, there are some differences in their moulding. BAI and SU are describing women’s worl d with each unique brush, which causes sympathy for women’s destiny and thinkin g about the general human nature.
Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College