An investigation was conducted to identify electron transport carriersthat participated the oxidation of H2 in bacteroids of Rhizobium arachis.H2-reduced mi-nus O2-oxidized absorption difference spectra in bacteroids showed peaks at 424,500,520,550,560,585 and 595nm,indicating the involvement of c-,b-,a and o-types ofcytochromes,The absorption peaks at 520,550,560nm were diminished a lot in the pres-ence of CN-This showed that some of c-and b-type cytochromes were CN- sensitiveand therefore might play a role as terminal oxidases in H2 metabolism. H2-uptake was in-hibited by antimycin A,HONO,CN-,N3-and DBMIB,not by rotenose,Our resultsindicate that ubiquinone and some types of cytochromes are involved in the oxyhydro-gen reaction which is a complex,branched transport system.