化学教学中实施绿色化学教育是必要的也是可行的。通过课堂教学、实验教学、课外活动和实践活动等四方面“适时、适度、适量”地渗透绿色化学知识 ,使学生了解和接受绿色化学理念 ,树立环保意识和可持续发展观念。并采用平行班对比法进行实验研究 ,通过为期一年的实践与探索 ,对两个班学生的化学成绩和环保意识 (问卷调查 )平均分进行了统计学分析 ,收到了较好的效果 ,验证了策略的有效性。
It is necessary and feasible to implement green chemistry education in chemistry teaching. This paper makes the primary exploration to infiltrate green chemical knowledge on the principle of “proper time, proper degree, proper amount” in chemistry teaching process with four aspects (curricular teaching, experimental teaching, extracurricular activity and practical activity), and help students to learn and accept green chemical concept, and to strengthen the conscious of environmental protection and sustainable developmental concept. We practiced and explored the project for a year by adopting the method of comparison in two parallel classes. The project was proved to be effective by means of analyzing the two parallel classes' chemistry achievement and environmental awareness in questionnaire.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University (Natural Science Edition)
湖南省教育科学"十五"规划课题 (批准号 :XJK0 1AJ0 12 )