As one of important rock types in marine sequence stratigraphy analysis, carbonate rock and its sequence stratigraphic model have been established. Althrough carbonate rocks in Meso-cenozoic lacustrine sediments in China is not very abundant as that in marine environment, they are still an important constitutes in lacustrine depositional profile. However, papers published in recent years related to lacustrine sequence stratigraphy are very small dealt with lacustrine carbonate rocks due to the weak research on them. In this paper, based on the establishment of sequence stratigraphic framework of Subei basin, we have also studied the role of lacustrine carbonate rocks in our research.It is proposed that the distribution of carbonate nodules and lumps is a mark for recongnizing sequence boundary and systems tracts; and the depositional shifting of grain carbonate rocks can also serve as an important mark for different systems tracts. and the profile change of carbonate rocks is also indicator for identifying parasequence and parasequence sets. In addition, the stably distributed dark fine carbonate rock and muddy shale interbedding is a mark of condensed section. This paper aims at appealing attention to the special role of carbonate rocks in establishing sequence stratigraphy in lacustrine sediments among the researchers.
Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
①国家自然科学基金项目(批准号: 49872048)资助