PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the articulation characteristics and mechanism of the patients after pharyngoplasty. METHODS: 46 males and 36 females with the average age of 13.44 years (ranged from 4 years to 31 years) were included. The patients' articulation including syllables, words, phrases and sentences was recorded according to Chinese Speech Intelligibility Testing Form, and a comparison among speech articulation, speech disorders and compensatory articulation was carried out. RESULTS: 71 patients had compensatory articulation characteristic of velopharyngeal incompetence, of them, 60 occurred in glottis plosive and 11 in pharynx fricative; while 11 patients had compensatory articulation characteristic of velopharyngeal adequacy, of them, 6 occurred in palatalized misarticulation, 2 in palatalized and lateral misarticulation,3 in lateral misarticulation.According to speech intelligibility 46.27% of misarticulation was glottis plosive, while 57.19% was pharynx fricative, 67.17% was palatalized misarticulation, 74.67% was palatalized and lateral misarticulation, 77.50% was lateral misarticulation. According to the degree of pharynx fricative, 45.45%(5/11) was mild, 27.27%(3/11) was moderate and 27.27%(3/11) was severe. Abnormal consonant mainly occurred in plosive, fricative and affricative. The attenuation of consonant mainly occurred in p (66.67%,4/12), t(78.95%,15/19),s(60.94%,39/64), sh(60.94%,39/64), c(66.15%,43/65), ch(66.15%,43/65), x(61.90%,39/63), q(67.19%,43/64), k(75.60%,31/41), b(72.88%,43/59); While the disappearance of consonant mainly occurred in z(81.16%,56/69), zh(81.16%,56/69), j(80%,56/70),and g (84.21%,48/57). CONCLUSIONS: The compensatory articulation resulting from velopharyngeal incompetence after pharyngoplasty mainly occurred in attenuation and disappearance of consonant.The attenuation of consonant mainly occurred in aspirated syllables and the disappearance of consonant mainly occurred in non-aspirated syllables.
China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Cleft Palate
Abnormal speech