目的 :对比激光原位角膜磨镶术 (LASIK)与二极管激光角膜热成型术 (DTK)治疗远视 (老视眼 )的优缺点。方法 :7例远视患者中 3例 ( 6眼 )接受LASIK治疗 ,4例 ( 6眼 )接受DTK治疗。术后随访 6个月 ,检查项目包括 :视力、屈光不正度和角膜地形图。计量资料做t检验。结果 :LASIK组和DTK组术前平均屈光不正球镜度分别为 + 3.58DS和 + 2 .54DS ,散光度分别为 + 0 .6 3DC和 + 0 .73DC。术后 1个月和 6个月的屈光不正度数分别为 :LASIK组 ,术后 1个月球镜度为 ( 0 .50± 0 .33)DS ,柱镜度为 ( 0 .37± 0 .2 7)DC ;术后 6个月球镜度为 ( 0 .6 0± 0 .4 2 )DS ,柱镜度为 ( 0 .34± 0 .2 1 )DC。DTK组 ,术后 1个月球镜度为 ( 0 .54± 0 .37)DS ,柱镜度为 ( 1 .4 2± 0 .6 9)DC ;术后 6个月球镜度为 ( 0 .6 9± 0 .4 8)DS ,柱镜度为 ( 0 .81± 0 .34)DC。两组术后远视屈光不正度数较术前下降显著 (P <0 .0 5) ,术后DTK组较LASIK组角膜散光增加明显 (P <0 .0 5) ,球镜度差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5)。两组术后远视力、近视力与术前同组相比都有明显提高 (P <0 .0 5)。结论 :LASIK治疗远视预测性好、费用高 ;DTK治疗远视简捷、费用低、预测性较差。
Objective:To compare the difference between LASIK and DTK for correction of hyperopia/presbyopia.Methods:Seven patients with hyperopia were included in this study. Of these,3 patients (6 eyes) were treated with LASIK and 4 patients (4 eyes) with DTK. They were followed up for 3 months. Evaluation included visual acuity,refraction and topography measurements.Results:Mean spherical/cylindrical powers before treatment were +3.58 DS/+0.63 DC in the LASIK group,and +2.54 DS/+0.73 DC in the DTK group. The respective mean values at 1 and 6 months after the procedures were (0.50±0.33)DS/(0.37±0.27)DC?(0.60±0.42)DS/(0.34±0.21)DC in the LASIK group and (0.54±0.37)DS/(1.42±0.69)DC?(0.69±0.48)DS/(0.81±0.34)DC in the DTK group. The decrease in hyperopic power was significant for both groups when comparing pre treatment and post treatment levels (P<0.05). Post treatment astigmatism of the cornea significantly increased in the DTK group compared to the LASIK group (P<0.05),but the spherical powers were similar (P>0.05). Far and near uncorrected visual acuity increased significantly in both groups after treatment (P<0.05).Conclusion:LASIK is very predictable for correcting hyperopia,while DTK is less predictable.
Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology