目的 :评价螺旋CT在胆囊炎与厚壁型胆囊癌鉴别诊断中的价值。方法 :回顾性分析经手术病理证实的 4 6例胆囊炎与 32例胆囊癌螺旋CT资料 ,重点观察胆囊壁增厚的形态、胆囊粘膜线的完整性、病变的强化特征、胆道梗阻平面、与邻近结构关系。结果 :①胆囊炎与胆囊癌的胆囊壁强化特征均为进行性强化或持续强化 ;②胆囊壁均一弥漫性增厚者78 8%为胆囊炎 ,胆囊壁局限性不规则增厚者 86 9%为胆囊癌 ;③胆囊炎病例中 ,93 6 %胆囊粘膜线连续完整 ;而胆囊癌 ,90 6 %胆囊粘膜线破坏残缺。结论 :螺旋CT在胆囊炎与厚壁型胆囊癌术前鉴别诊断中具有较大的价值。
Objective:To evaluate the role of spiral CT in differential diagnosis between gallbladder carcinoma and cholecystitis.Methods:78 patients,32 with gallbladder carcinoma and 46 with chronic cholecystitis,proved by operation and pathology were analyzed retrospectively.We reviewed the two-phase spiral CT features of thickness and enhancement pattern of the gallbladdr wall.Results:①Enhancement pattern of the gallbladder wall.The common enhancement patterns seen in both disease entities were a delayed enhanced thick wall;②Of all cholecystitis cases 78 8% shown uniform thickening wall while of all gallbladder carcinoma shown irregular thickening wall;③Complete inner wall of gallbladder were seen in 93 6% gallbladder carcinoma.Conclusion:Spiral CT appears to be valuable in differentiating these two different disease entities pre-operative.
Journal of Medical Imaging