目的分析浙江省海岛人群膳食结构与碘摄入量(IAC)。方法分层随机抽样调查,于海产品供应丰、淡两季,在海岛城、农、渔、盐区各抽50户家庭,调查膳食结构及每人连续3d摄入的食物和数量,以《食物成分表》及以往报道的食物中的含碘量为依据,计算人均每天IAC,并与国际控制碘缺乏病理事会(ICCIDD)制定的每日碘的推荐供给量(RDA)比较。结果海岛人群的食品有151种,常见的主要有26种,其中海产品只有海带1种。扣除少数人从碘盐、海带中获得的碘,人均每天IAC丰季为82.11μg/d,淡季为87.45μg/d,低于ICCIDD推荐的6岁至成人每日应摄入碘120 ̄150μg的标准。结论海岛人群从常用食品中摄入的碘营养不足,需要食用碘盐,预防碘缺乏病。
Objective To analyze the constitution of food and iodine absorption contents (IAC) of the islander in Zhejiang Province. Methods The constructions of food, the varieties and amounts of food absorption in 3 consecutive days were investigated. Each 50 families respectively from town, rural area, fishery region and district producing salt were chosen as random stratified sample during off-and peak seasons for seafood. The averaging daily IAC of each crowd was calculated based on the statistical forms of food composition and iodine concentration in food reported previously. The results were analyzed with SPSS software and then compared with Recommended Dietary Allowance(RDA) recommended by ICCIDD. Results Among 151 types of food at the island, 26 were eaten regularly, in which only kelp was seafood. IAC absorbed from salt and kelp being considered and deducted in a minority of people, the daily IAC was 82.11 μg per person in peak season and 87.45 μg per person in off-season. These results were lower than the standard of RDA recommended by ICCIDD. Conclusion The daily IAC per person absorbed from regular food in the investigated islanded is insufficient, and iodized salt is needed to prevent IDD.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology