Objective To investigate the diagnostic methods of pubertal uterine malformations in nongestational stage Method Hysteroscopy combined with transabdominal ultrasonography was used to diagnose and differentiate rudimentary uterine horn and blind uterine horn in puberty. Results The accuracy of the two diagnostic methods performed simultaneously was valuable in the diagnosis of pubertal unicornuate uterus with blind uterine horn in 3 cases and rudimentary uterine horn in 2 cases. Conclusion Hysteroscopy combined with transabdominal ultrasonography was reliable in diag- nosing uterine malformations and especially effective in treating maiden with rudimentary horn and blind horn of uterus.
Objective To investigate the diagnostic methods of pubertal uterine malformations in nongestational stage Method Hysteroscopy combined with transabdominal ultrasonography was used to diagnose and differentiate rudimentary uterine horn and blind uterine horn in puberty. Results The accuracy of the two diagnostic methods performed simultaneously was valuable in the diagnosis of pubertal unicornuate uterus with blind uterine horn in 3 cases and rudimentary uterine horn in 2 cases. Conclusion Hysteroscopy combined with transabdominal ultrasonography was reliable in diag- nosing uterine malformations and especially effective in treating maiden with rudimentary horn and blind horn of uterus.