目的 探索补肾活血行气活血调经的规律。方法 采用人工周期疗法,结合现代医学卵巢周期变化用药对50例无排卵性不孕症患者进行治疗。结果 经治疗3 个周期内排卵人数为25 例(50.00%)。6个周期内排卵人数为41 例,排卵率为82.00%。已孕育36 例,妊娠率为72.00%。平均妊娠效应周期为2 21周期,最长为6周期。结论 掌握排卵时机,提高妊娠率。
Objective To study a law as “tonifying the kidney-promoting blood circulaation and functional activities of qireinforcing the kidney-promoting blood flow to regulate menstruation”.Methods Chinese medicine were applied in the patients(50 cases) by artificial cycles methods.Results Through cure 3 period insides to ovulate were 25 examples(50.00%);6 period ovulate were 41 examples(82.00%);pregnancy were 36 examples(72.00%);average gestation cycle were 2.21 period,most long were 6 periods.Conclusion Control the opportune moment to ovulate,and increase the pregnancy rate.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy