六西格玛法是一种新的质量管理方法,该文从数理统计原理上阐述了此方法的本质,即把产品 和过程质量水平达到百万次机会的缺陷数为3.4。文中还论述了六西格玛管理法的新特征,介绍了六西格玛 管理法实施的科学工作程序DUMAIC,并对六西格玛管理法实施中应注意的问题提出了自己的观点。
Six Sigma ' is a new kind of quality management method. In the light of mathematical statistical principles, the author elaborates the essence of this method: defect per one million opportunity is 3.4. The paper also discusses the new feature of 'Six Sigma', introduces DUMAIC, the scientific working program for 'Six Sigma '.The paper finally states the author's views on 'Six Sigma ' in implementation.
Journal of Jiaxing University