The gas-droplet two-phase reacting flow in a model combustor with the V-gutter flame holder is studied by an Eulerian-Lagrangian large-eddy simulation (LES) approach. The k-equation subgrid-scale model is used to simulate the subgrid eddy viscosity, and the eddy-break-up (EBU) combustion subgrid-scale model is used to determine the chemical reaction rate. A two-step turbulent combustion subgrid-scale model is employed for calculating carbon monoxide CO concentration, and the NO subgrid-scale pollutant formation model for the evaluation of the rate of NO formation. The heat flux model is applied to the prediction of radiant heat transfer. The gas phase is solved with the SIMPLE algorithm and a hybrid scheme in the staggered grid system. The liquid phase equations are solved in a Lagrangian frame in reference of the particle-source-in-cell (PSIC) algorithm. From simulation results, the exchange of mass, moment and energy between gas and particle fields for the reacting flow in the afterburner with a V-gutter flame holder can be obtained. By the comparison of experimental and simulation results, profile temperature and pollutant of the outlet are quite in agreement with experimental data. Results show that the LES approach for predicting the two-phase instantaneous reacting flow and pollutant emissions in the afterburner is feasible.