教学内容体系与课程设置结构的改革是教学整体改革的关键 ,原有的教学体系已不适应时代发展的需要。新的体育教学内容与结构应从培养高素质的体育复合型人才的大局出发 ,使知识、技术、技能的培养与娱乐、审美、品德教育紧密结合 ,以形成育人的科学化新体系。
Reform of physical education contents and stru ct ure in normal universities are keys to the reform of physical education. The old teaching system cannot meet the requirements of the development of the times. T he new contents and structure should be centered around the training of students with comprehensive abilities so as to combine knowledge,skill,technique,enterta inment,beauty appreciation and moral education together in physical education.
Journal of Sports Adult Education