对 2 0 0 3- 0 4CBA联赛西安赛区陕西盖天力主场的 11场比赛中主裁 (R) ,第一副裁 (U1) ,第二副裁 (U2 )的临场执法情况进行统计分析。结果显示 :三名裁判员对主队和客队的犯规和违例的判罚都具有一致性 ;R和U对整个比赛的判罚一致 ;R和U1在整场比赛中对犯规和违例的判罚尺度一致 ,U2对犯规的判罚尺度不一致 ,对违例的判罚表现出非常大的差异。三位裁判对犯规和违例的判罚在比赛开始后都有着向一定尺度靠近的趋势 ,但犯规基本达成统一尺度的时间较违例偏晚。
This article studies the foul and violation statistics of references form Xi'an site.The result shows that the judging of three references is consistent between home and visiting team;R and U1 are consistent in whole season and one match too;but U2 is not consistent in one match.
Journal of Jilin Sport University