竞技运动中各种异化现象的出现在很大程度上是因为在这个过程中缺乏人文主义教育 ,运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法论述了人文主义在竞技运动的作用并提出了实施建议 ,即在竞技运动中灌输人文主义思想、人文主义价值观、人文主义诚信等内容 ,目的是为了让竞技运动能够沿着健康的道路持续发展。
The reasons all kinds of the dissimilation phenomenon were made are lacking of humanistic education in the competitive sports. This thesis discusses humanistic function in the competitive sports and puts forward the suggestion by using document and logical analysis. That is to inculcate the content of humanistic idea, humanistic value view and humanistic trust and so on in competitive sports. The purpose is to let competitive sports develop toward healthy way.
Journal of Jilin Sport University