1951年西藏和平解放,揭开了西藏历史的新纪元。1959年发生的一场叛乱,提前改变了西藏百万农奴的命运, 西藏顺利完成民主改革。1965年,西藏自治区成立。光阴如箭,而今雪域日新月异。我叶已告老退休,但对西藏仍旧时时怀念。常翻看从前所摄的一些老照片,聊以寻觅旧梦。值此西藏自治区成立四十周年纪念之际,将四十年前在西藏拍摄的照片整理发表,并撰文叙旧。
As a photo-journalist working for the Tibet Daily Journal at that time. Chen Zonglie recounts in vivid detail different aspects of life in 40 years ago Lhasa: he recalls the white stone chambers and yellow houses, businessmen in the old city, Tibetan coins, Tibetan language, photography,child monks and apprentices, flowers, fragrant and tasty butter tea...
Tibet Geographic