MRIL-P型核磁共振测井仪从美国引进,在全国各油田的测井公司己服务几年。其所发生故障 比较频繁,在仪器的维修过程中,通过对它的原理、电路结构及信号流程进行分析和汇总,本文对它易发生 故障的判断过程以及处理手段进行了分析。
MRIL-P, it is magnetic resonance image logging tool.It is made by harlliburton energy service. Lots of well logging companies in china have bought it for a few years.The theory of this tool is not clear to our maintenance man,especially recent,the trouble of it has often been found during logging. To analyze it's theory of circuit and to troubleshoot it in this paper.
China Instrumentation