本文分析了影响公交线路车辆配备的各种因素。从公交车车型、道路条件等方面综合考虑,并以公交线路长度、营运周转速度和发车间隔为约束条件,提出了一种公交线路运力配备方法,并应用该法对苏州市 1 路公交车进行线路配车量计算。应用结果表明该方法有较好的实用价值。
In this thesis, the factors that influence bus line equipment were analyzed. Under the restrictions of bus line length, route turnover and leaving intervals, a method of bus line equipment was brought forward. This method took bus types and road conditions into account and was applied to calculate the vehicle numbers of the 1st way bus in Suzhou, China. Result indicates that the method has a better utility value.
Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information