作为全球变化研究的主要核心计划 ,经过 15年的研究 ,国际地圈 -生物圈计划 (IGBP)已经进入了第 2研究阶段。文章综述了IGBP计划近 10年研究进展 ,主要有地球系统关键过程研究和跨计划的集成研究两方面。面对未来的挑战与机遇 ,在研究方向上IGBP将发生变动 ,包括实现更高层次上的集成研究 ,与全球可持续发展相适应 ,从理论研究走向实际应用 ,全球问题与区域问题结合更加明确等 4方面。同时按照地球系统的结构 ,指出了对应地球系统各圈层及界面的相关计划研究的热点问题 ,并介绍了我国IGBP研究的主要成果与未来研究方向。
After 15-year study, as the core program of the global change research, IGBP is evolving into the second phase. The advancement of IGBP is described, including the study of key processes in the earth system and the cross-program synthesis study. In future, the research directions of IGBP will change greatly: the synthesis study will be up to a higher level, adapt to the study of the global sustainable development,and realize the conversion from the academic study to practical application and the integration of global problems with the regional problems. Moreover, according to the structure of the earth system, the key issues of relative programs in future and the progress and prospects of IGBP researches in China are discussed.
Meteorological Science and Technology
河南省自然科学基金"河南省主要农作物气候适宜性变化研究"(0 1110 70 2 0 0 )资助