
“刘派琵琶”初论——为2004年12月海南“刘德海琵琶艺术国际研讨会”写 被引量:9

A Tentative Study of"Liu's School of Pipa":Written for the International Symposium on Liu Dehai's Pipa Art in Hainan in December 2004
摘要 “刘派琵琶”的主要艺术特征有以下几点:(一)独创性和兼容性;(二)基础性和全面性;(三)继承性和创造性;(四)哲理性和科学性;(五)丰富性和开放性。从刘德海的演奏特点来看“独创性和兼容性”:刘德海的琵琶演奏,是集诸家各派之长,走探索创新之道,以科学的态度走“独造”之路。他的演奏风格全面继承了江南诸派琵琶的清新细腻的风格,也从同时代的青年琵琶家那里吸收了营养,但是又独辟蹊径。因此,他戏称自己是“组装”而成的。从刘德海的琵琶教学来看“全面性和基础性”:他要求学生的演奏能够有柔有刚,有虚有实,力求全面。而在要求全面的同时还得有自己的特点,最为重要的是学生要有独创意识。从学生时代起,就应该树立独创精神和独创意识。只会模仿,没有独创精神的学生就不是一个合格的学生。同时,刘德海在教学中极其注意学生的基本功训练,极其注重基础性练习,而反对拔苗助长式的速成教育、反对培养匠人式的教学方法。从刘德海的创作方法来看他的“继承性和创造性”:“刘派琵琶”是传统琵琶的继承者、集大成者,同时有是传统的勇敢的挑战者和创造者。从刘德海的琵琶理论来看他的“哲理性和科学性”:刘德海经过了多年的哲学思考和钻研,形成了他的“兼容·优选·鼎立”的“金三角”文化/哲学思想。 Liu's School of Pipa'possesses the following major artistic features:(1) originality and inclusiveness;(2) elementariness and comprehensiveness;(3) inheritance and creativity;(4) philosophical and scientific means;(5) abundance and openness. (1) Originality and inclusiveness in Liu Dehai's pipa playing:Liu's playing has benefited from various schools and created his own way of exploration and innovation in scientific terms. His style has grown out of various schools in South-East of China and has also learned from his contemporaneous young pipa players. That is why he called himself an'assembled'artist. (2) Elementariness and comprehensiveness in Liu's teachings:He asks his students to play in both soft and strong ways,i.e. to be comprehensive but with one's own individuality. Originality is the most important element required for each student. A student without originality is not a qualified one. In the mean time,Liu Dehai attaches great importance to the students'basic skills training and opposes any teaching methods of excessively speeded-up education and master-oriented trainings.(3) Inheritance and creativity in his composition methods:'Liu's School of Pipa'has grown out of the traditions but it is also a courageous challenger to the traditions and a creator of new schools.(4) Philosophical and scientific means in his theory on pipa playing:Many years of his philosophical thinking and research led to his creation of cultural and philosophical ideology of'Golden Triangle'based on the three elements of'inclusiveness,selection and optimization'.His analysis on the inner rules of all matters has been conducted under this ideology.(5) Abundance and openness:Liu's School has developed in the new ear of reforms and opening up in China. Its abundance and openness are so evident in comparison with other traditional schools of pipa. Liu Dehai made his debut on international stages in the 1960's,and in the 70's and 80's,his visits abroad had increased largely with the performances of his'Little Sisters on the Grassland
作者 梁茂春
出处 《人民音乐(评论)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期4-7,64,共5页 Peoples Music
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