进行了利用咖啡胚乳离体培养技术培育六倍体咖啡胚乳植株及四倍体中小粒种咖啡种间杂种的研究.结果表明:将小粒种咖啡自花授粉所得六倍性胚乳及以中粒种咖啡为母本、小粒种咖啡为父本进行杂交所获得的四倍性种间杂种胚乳,分别在附加有6-BA 1~2 mg/L和NAA 2 mg/L的改良MS培养基上培养,能诱导出有效的愈伤组织;在附加有6-BA或KT 0.5 mg/L,NAA0.1 mg/L的改良MS培养基上,愈伤组织能分化出各种类型的胚状体;在附加有NAA或IBA 0.5 mg/L及2 g/L活性炭的1/2MS培养基上,胚状体可被诱导生根而再生完整的六倍体咖啡胚乳植株和四倍体种间杂种咖啡胚乳植株.
A new method of obtaining hexaploid from Coffea arabica endosperm and breeding tetraploid interspecific hybrid between C. canephora and C.arabica through endosperm culture is reported.Tetraploidy hybrid endosperm could be obtained by crossing between C.canephora as female parent and C.arabica as male parent. Calli were induced from hexaploidy endosperm of C.arabica and hybrid endosperm in modified MS medium containing 6-BA and NAA.All kinds of embryoid were induced from calli in modified MS medium supplemented with 6-BA or KT and NAA.Embryoid developed into plantlets in half concentration MS containing 0.5 mg/L NAA or 0.5 mg/L IBA and 2 g/L active carbon.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops