目的 观察慢性前列腺炎患者血清PSA浓度改变及其对本病诊断和治疗的作用。方法 22岁~55岁的慢性前列腺炎患者60例,测定其血清PSA浓度。根据前列腺按摩液中(EPS)白细胞(WBC)计数的多少,将患者分为轻(WBC<10/HP)、中(10/HP≤WBC<30/HP)、重(WBC≥10/HP)三组,并行三组PSA的组间比较。9例重度者治疗前后临床症状和PSA分别进行比较。30例行EPS细菌培养。结果 血清PSA升高比例为46.7%。其中轻组10%、中组10%,重度26.7%。轻、中、重三组血清PSA平均值分别为(2.383±2.8350)mg/ml,(3.1571±2.6432)mg/ml及(7.1557±5.9110)mg/ml。轻中组间PSA改变无明显差异,P>0.2而轻、中组与重组间PSA变化均有显著性差异,P<0.001和P<0.005。9例重度者治疗后PSA大幅度下降,治疗前后相比有显著性差异,P<0.001。非细菌性前列腺炎血清PSA升高比细菌性前列腺炎更明显,两者有明显差异,P<0.05。结论 慢性前列腺炎血清PSA浓度升高比例大约为50%左右,PSA可作为衡量该疾病严重程度及判断治疗效果好坏的一个重要指标。
Objective To study the change of serum prostate specific antigen( PSA) concentration in patient with chronic prosratitis and its significance in diagnoses and treatmtnt. Methods A total of 60 out patients with chronic prostatitis, entered our study, 22 - 55 yeats old (mean 42. 6 years old), were measured for serum PSA concentration. According to the relationship between compenent of whitte blood cells(WBC)in express prostatic secretion and the serum PSA elevation and the effects of prostatitis on the other PSA related targets,the patients were divided into nild group(WBC<10'HP),moderate group(10/HP<WBC<30/HP) and severe group (WBC<30/HP). We compare to WBC,PSA and prostatitis symptom score before and after treatment.30 of 60 patients had been cultured for bacterium in the express prostatic secretion,Result 28 of 60 patients had been elevated for serum PSA concentration (46.7%).The elevated rate of the PSA in mild, moderate and severe group were 10.0%,10.0% and 26. 7 % respectively. Comparing to PSA between mild and moderate group were no significantly defference(P< 0.20) .while comparing to the PSA between mild and severe group,moderate and severe group existed significantly difference (P<0.001 ,P< 0.05 respectively) .The serum PSA concentration was higher in nonbacteriai prostatitis than that in bacterial prostatitis. Conclusion The serum PSA conventration in patients with chronic prostatitis had been elevated accounting for 50% or so. It was a important indication that the PSA was used to identify severity of the disease and effect of treatment.
Journal of Modern Urology