作为 12世纪杰出的阿拉伯思想家和政治活动家 ,伊本·扎法的政治思想却不为当代学者所知。其巨著《对统治者的慰藉》阐述的政治思想有 :统治者应听取忠诚顾问的忠告 ;采取有效的统治策略以及具有对臣民仁慈等优秀德行。经比较 ,伊本·扎法与马基雅维里的政治思想有许多相同之处 ,说明伊本·扎法的政治思想对后者有很大的影响。
Being a distinguished Arabian thinker and political activist in the 12th century, Ibn Zafars political thought is elaborated in his masterpiece Sulwan al Muta as follows: a ruler should accept his councils advice to take an effective ruling strategy; he should preserve the fine quality of treating his people benevolently. By comparing the similarities between Ibn Zafars poltical thought and Machiavellians, this paper illustrates Ibn Zafars great influence on the latter.
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)