福州船政局是左宗棠借助法国技术力量创办的重要军事企业。它的建立与发展 ,推动了中国造船工业以至整个近代工业的发展。本文试从福州船政局在酝酿、建立、发展乃至衰落的各个过程中与法国、法国人的关系 ,论述法国对船政局所起的正负两方面作用 ,从而对 19世纪六。
Supported by French technology, Fuzhou Ship building Bureau was founded as an important military business by Zuo Zongtang, an official from the group who stood for westernization in the Qing government. The foundation and development of Fuzhou Ship building Bureau greatly pushed forward the ship manufacturing, even the whole modern industry in China. This article tries to discuss both the positive and the negative influences that France produced on Fuzhou Ship building Bureau during the periods of its brewing, foundation, development and decline, on which basis, the author makes furthur research on Sino French economic and technical exchanges in 1860s and 1870s.
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
国家社科基金 (0 1BZS0 2 4 )