FITS(Flexible Image Transport System)是国际天文学会 (IAU) 1982年确定的世界各天文台之间用于数据传输、交换的统一标准格式。它对一维、二维、三维、甚至多维的数据类型都提供了合适的转换 ,其不仅适用于天文数据 ,对其他学科的数据也是可用的。本文介绍了 FITS的基本格式及其对随机组矩阵的一般扩展和用于天文星表的表扩展格式。
FITS(Flexible ImageTransport System)was recommended as the standard format for interchange of image data among all observatories by Commission 5 at the 1982 General Assembly of IAU in Patras. It supports the transformation for the data types with one,two,three or multi_dimensions.It is not only suitable to astronomical data but also usable to the data in other subjects. The FITS basic form at,the random groups extension and the ASCII table extension for the images and catalogs of astronomical data are described in this paper.
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