综合性中文门户网站女性频道崇尚自由、情感、现代 ,表面上体现了对青年女性的关爱 ,实际上是打着妇女解放的旗号 ,对青年女性实行新一轮的压迫。商业动机和女性网络工作者的缺位是女性频道变相复制现实中男女不平等的深层次原因 ,女性频道只有树立起真正的社会责任感 ,让女性赢得话语权 ,才是有利于青年女性发展的出路。
Using semiotics theory, this thesis deciphers the ideology encoded in the female channels of comprehensive Chinese Web-stations from the Feministic perspective. It concludes: by advocating freedom, emotion and modern, the female channels exert a new round oppress on young women while taking the way of showing solicitude for them. In the researcher's opinion that the economic move and the absent of females in the NET world are the deep root causes of the present of sex inequality copy of real society in the female channels. Therefore, only by taking the true sense of social responsibility and giving back the right of speech to female can young women as well as the female channels have a way out.
Journal of Beijing Youth Politics College