用EPMA 1600型电子探针波谱分析了 Sn 9Zn 3Bi/Cu钎焊接头在 170℃时效 1 000h后的界面组织及其成分。结果表明,界面处存在三层化合物层。从基体铜侧起,依次为 Cu Sn化合物层、Cu Zn化合物层和Sn Cu化合物层。电子探针能够有效分析微观组织、成分的变化和扩散现象。
The microstructure and composition of the Sn-9Zn-3Bi/Cu joint after 1000h aging were investigation using EPMA. The results indicated that there exits three intemetallic compound (IMC) layers at the solder joint. From Cu side they are Cu-Sn IMC layer, Cu-Zn IMC layer and Sn-Cu IMC layer respectively. The EPMA can analysis the microstructures、compositions as well as the diffusion phenomenon successfully.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)