研究了采自福建不同地区的 26个土壤的Zn向白菜茎叶的转移能力.结果表明,虽然用DTPA提取的有效Zn与茎叶Zn含量之间无显著相关,但以DTPA有效Zn为基础的Zn转移系数与土壤有效Zn之间呈极显著的幂函数相关,这种幂函数相关将白菜茎叶Zn含量与土壤有效Zn联系起来.在土壤Zn与作物Zn含量无显著相关的情况下,可用Zn转移系数(DTPA基)与土壤有效Zn之间的幂函数关系估计土壤Zn的环境质量限量.
The transfer characteristics of Zn from 26 soil samples collected from different areas of Fujian Province to the edible parts of pakchoi [Brassica chinensis (L.)] were studied. Although there was no significant correlation between the Zn contents of the vegetables and the soil available Zn extracted by DTPA, an extremely significant correlation between the Zn transfer factors based on the Zn content (fresh weight basis) of the edible parts and the soil available Zn (DTPA) was found. This relationship can be best described by power model (y=ax^b), which links the soil available Zn with the vegetable Zn. It is recommanded that this relationship be used for predicting the Zn limit for establishing soil environmental quality criteria when there is no significant correlation between the crop Zn and the soil available Zn.
Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University:Natural Science Edition