DLL可以产生精确的延迟效果而不受环境和工艺条件的影响 ,因而常用来生成稳定的延迟或多相位的时钟信号。文中介绍了延迟锁相环的结构 ,设计了 CMOS工艺 DLL具体电路 ,着重分析了新型的伪差分结构延迟单元 ,它可使设计简单而且单位延迟时间的选择更加灵活。文中还对 DLL在高速以太网发送电路中的应用作了具体的设计和仿真 ,运用 DLL使发送数据的上升、下降时间精确地控制在 4ns± 1
DLL may generate an accurate delay which is rarely affect ed by circumstance and process condition s, so it is used to generate stable dela y or multi-phase clocks. The structure o f DLL is introduced and the CMOS circuit of DLL is designed too. The new fake di fferential delay cell is emphasized beca use it can simplify the circuit and make it choose delay time more flexibly. The DLL applied to high-speed Ethernet tran smitter is designed and simulated by Spi ce. DLL can control the rise and fall ti me of data transmitted within 4 ns±1 ns. The simulation is done with 0.35 micron standard CMOS process technology and 3. 3 V power supply.
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