目的 :探讨用中西医结合的方法治疗中老年鼻出血的优点 .方法 :132例患者分为两组 ,对照组用传统的鼻腔填塞止血加西药治疗 ,治疗组在内窥镜下射频止血加中药治疗 .结果 :治疗组疗程短 ,痛苦小 .结论 :中西医结合治疗中老年鼻出血的方法是有效而安全的 ,值得临床推广 .
Objective :To explore the advantage of integrated traditional and western therapies for epistexis in middle-age and elderly-aged.Methods: 132 patients were divided into 2 groups: the treatement group with radiofrequence under endoscope + traditional chinese medicine, while the contrast group with traditional nasal paking + western medicine.Results: There was less damage and shorter period of treatment in treatment group than in the contrast group.Conclusion: This method of radiofrequence under endoscope + traditional Chinese medicine is effective and safe for epistexis in middle-aged and elderly-aged.
Journal of Kunming Medical College