本文在引出商务智能应用领域中数据挖掘模型管理的问题之后,提出了 SmartBiz商务智能平台的总体架构,阐述了基于PMML的数据挖掘模型管理方案,并以SmartBiz 系统中的实际应用为例,介绍了PMML和XML数据库结合的具体实现方案。
After clarifying the data mining model management problem in business intelligence applications, the article introduces some research work about the Predictive Model Markup Language and the Native XML Database, proposes a PMML based data mining model management solution as part of the whole SmartBiz business intelligence platform architecture. At the end of the article, a PMML database console realization with respect to the data mining model management architecture is presented.
Computer Engineering & Science