
诉讼时效概念的重新定位 被引量:2

On the Redefinition of Judicial Prescription
摘要 我国学者对诉讼时效的概念有着不同的界定,而分歧主要产生于对诉讼时效效力的不同理解。通过对诉讼时效效力的深入分析,认为诉讼时效的效力应采用抗辩权发生主义为妥。将诉讼时效的概念重新界定为:诉讼时效是指权利人在法定期间内持续不行使民事权利,而使义务人取得拒绝履行义务的抗辩权的法律制度。 Chinese scholars have given different definitions of judicial prescription. The main difference lies in the different understandings of the effects of judicial prescription. It is good to adopt counterplea. So the judicial prescription may be redefined as follows: judicial prescription means the man of power doesn't conduct his civil rights continuously within a judicial time, which makes the man in duty get the counterplea of refusing to carry out his duty.
作者 林磊 谭文勇
机构地区 海南大学法学院
出处 《重庆交通学院学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第1期26-28,共3页 Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 时效 诉讼时效 概念 效力 prescription judicial prescription concept effect
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