我国中西部发育大量中新生代前陆盆地, 它们多数都属于特提斯碰撞造山带后缘部分上的类前陆盆地。根据它们的沉积建造特征可将其分为 5个演化阶段, 其中T3 -J1一2时期主要形成河湖、沼泽含煤沉积建造, 是整个中西部地区烃源岩的主要形成期; J3 -K1时期为氧化宽浅湖与红色磨拉石建造期, 是中西部地区有利储集层的发育时期; K2 -E时期在整个中西部地区形成的红色含膏盐砂泥岩建造期, 是区域性盖层的发育期。另外, 根据中西部中新生代各个盆地沉积演化特征, 将其归纳为 3种类型充填模式。
A large number of Meso-Cenozoic foreland basins are growing in central and west China. Most of them all belong to quasi-foreland basins on the back fringe of Tethysian colliding orogenic belts. Based on the characteristics of their sedimentation formations, they may be divided into 5 evolution stages, in which T 3—J 1-2 period, chiefly forming coal-bearing sedimentary formation of fluvial lake and marsh is the main stage of forming whole central and west China hydrocarbon source rocks; J 3—K 1, the stage of forming oxidized broad and shallow lake and red Molasse formation is that of beneficial reservoirs growing in central and west China; K 2—E, the stage of forming red gypsalt-bearing sand- and mud-stone formations in the whole central and west region is that of regional cap rock growing. In addition, on the basis of sedimentary evolution characteristics of various Meso-Cenozoic basins in central and west region, 3 types of models may be concluded.
Natural Gas Exploration and Development