本试验以不同活力水平的大葱种子为材料,用不同浓度的赤霉素、脱落酸处理后进行标准发芽试验,研究了外源激素对不同活力大葱种子发芽与休眠的影响。结果表明:适宜浓度的赤霉素处理可促进大葱种子的萌发,加快发芽速度,提高活力。对于极低活力种子,低浓度 (10μg/L)赤霉素处理效果好于高浓度, 25μg/L赤霉素处理低活力种子效果显著;而对于中高活力种子, 60μg/L赤霉素浸种干燥处理有利于种子活力的提高。对于当年收获的种子,则是 40μg/L赤霉素浸种干燥处理提高种子活力效果明显。适宜浓度(0. 5mg/L)的脱落酸处理抑制种子萌发,降低发芽速度,促进种子休眠。
The Welsh onion seeds with different vigor, treated with different concentration of GA or ABA, were used in the germination experiments to investigate the effects of plant hormones, GA and ABA on the germination and dormancy of the seeds. The results indicated that GA or ABA treatments have obvious effects on germination of Welsh onion seeds. Both the germination of the seeds and the vigor of the seedlings were markedly improved by GA treatments. The low concentration (10μg/L) of GA had a better promotion effect for the seeds with minimal vigor than the other GA treatments. But for low vigor of welsh onion seeds, GA treatment of 25μg/L was available. Either germination of the seeds or the vigor of the seedlings was significantly advanced due to the treatment of 60μg/L GA soaking and-drying for the seeds with medium or high vigor. As to new harvested seeds of Welsh onion, treatment of 40μg/L GA soaking and drying was found to improve the seed germination and vigor. ABA treatment (0.5mg/L) restricted the germination, promoted the dormancy of the seeds.