在动态电路中,当激励含有冲激函数和阶跃函数时,确定电路响应变量的初始值常常是困难的。因此,探讨一种较方便地求取这类电路初始值的新方法是重要的。Rruce R.Davis对此作了探索。本文对其探索的方法作了进一步的补充论证,提出运用该方法的必要条件,并导出此方法的适用范围。本文还结合电路实例,论证单位阶跃函数ε+(t)在t=0时即ε(0)的取值,阐述ε(0)取值不定的原因,并给出ε(0)取值的条件。
When an excitation includes impulsive functions and unit-step functions,it is always difficult to find evaluating the initial value of response variables in the dynamical circuits.It will therefore be most important to search a new approach which can easily obtain the initial value in this kind of circuits.Earlier research was reported in refference [4]. In this artical, a further supplementary proof is made, and an indispensable condition for this method is proposed, and an applicable range for it is conducted. The unit-step function ε(t) is an important function for discribing the excitation and the response in the dynamical circuits. Up to now, the value ε(0) , for ε(t) at t=0, can only be regarded, theoraticaly concering the circuits, as an indefinite value about zero to one, but the reason why has never been described as yet by any paper.That makes one puzzled.with real examples of the circuits, the obtainment of the value ε0) is proved, and the reason why the value ε(0) is indefinite is discribed and acondition for evaluating the ε(0) is conducted in this artical.