本文报导了以解剖法和整体连续切片法对尖刀蛏、(Cultellus scalprurm(Gould)外部形态和内部结构研究的初步结果,并与竹蛏科(Sotenidae)的小刀蛏(Cultellus autenuatus Dunker)、小荚蛏(Sitioue minima(Gmelin))、缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta(Lamarck))的形态作了比较。
This paper deals with the result of preliminary study of the external features and internal structures of Cultellus scalprum (Gould) of Funing Bay, Fujian pro- vince. it also points out the differences on the features between C. scalprum (Gould) and C. attenualus Dunker, Sinonovacula constricta (Lamasck) and Siligue minima (Gmelin).