Since March 30,1959,in this day the Shandong College of Oceano-logy was set up,some teachers working in marine meteorology specility had gota lot of achievements in scientific research.Six books were written and published.A book named 'Sea Fog'written by professor Wang Binhua was selected as one of books in air sea interaction by a company in West Germany.The definition of maritime meteorology definited by W.M.O.is that. It is concerned with study of atmospheric phenomena above the oceans, their influence on shallow and deep sea water and the influence of the ocean surface on atmospheric phenomena.Those teachers have got some achievements in the marine meteorology for the 23 years, 62 papers were published.In the part of research of the influence on sea water from atmosphere, associate professor Qin Zenghao and others have got some study results of storm surge and ocean circulation. Especially,their study on storm surge got govement awards.In the part of research of phenomena above the oceans. some results of atmospheric dynamics were obtained by associate professor Zuo Zhongdao.Sea fog is a small scale interaction problem too,but it is always under the influence of large scale synoptic system. Professor WangBinhua and others have got some achievements on sea fog.Beside these,lecturer Liu Lianji has done some work on marine meteorology implementation.