When A. cylindrica was grown under the condition of N_2-deficiency, an increase in N_2-fixing activity and a decrease in oxygen sensitivity were found simultaneously. The acetylene reduction was inhibited by 50% by 0.5 atm. partial pressure of oxygen (pO_2) in the N2-deficient algal cells, and by 0.35 atm. pO_2 in the N_2-sunfieient algal cells. It indicates that the enhanced nitrogenase activity is possibly due to an increase in respiratory (Vconsnmptiion of the alga.Further research suggests that there is close relationship between respiration and nitrogenase activity. 'When the alga grew under such conditions as N_2-sufficiency, N_2-deficiency and light induced nitrogenase synthesis, the N_2-fixing activity varied with respiration rate correspondingly. Our results support the concept that the main means of nitrogenase against O_2 damage is respiration protection.