本文报道了坛紫菜(Porphyra haitanensis)通过培养自由丝状达到直接采苗的试验,这项试验的结果表明可以代替目前生产中用贝壳培养丝状体的方法,这就有可能克服当前作为紫菜丝状体培养基质的文蛤壳不足的困难,而且操作简便,有利于单株培养,取得纯种,少受病害。这种方法已经应用于生产。 自由丝状体培养的成败关键,首先在于做好种菜的去污处理工作,杀灭附着于种菜的杂藻。其简便有效的方法是将种菜经过晒干1-2小时,再经消毒海水洗刷。为使丝状体有尽可能长的生长时间,由种菜采集果孢子的时间应在三月以前进行。在有充分营养盐的海水中,光照达到1000Lux以上,则每一个800ml的玻瓶,约能培养自由丝状体2-2.5克(湿重),这样,有20个玻瓶,就可以供应秋季采苗一亩网帘所需的丝状体。 对丝状体进行夜间流水刺激是使其放散孢子进行直接采苗的有效方法,如能在流水过程中,又逐渐降低水温,(从26℃降至22℃)其效果更能提高。
The culturo of free-living filaments for direct sopre-collecting, is an improvedmethod in the cultivation of Porphyra haitanensis Customarily, shells of mollusca suchas Meretrix, oyster etc. had been used for clinging of the filaments. Glass bottles havebeen used to substitute the shells in the new method, carpospores are cultivated in thesea water with sufficient nutrient salts, and then filaments germinate from thecarpospores and grow in suspension in sea water or clinging to the bottle wall. They areready for direct spore--collccting in the Autumn. Results of the experiments are concluded as follow:1. Thallus sclected for carposporc--collecting must be thoroughly cleaned to eliminateall injurious ultachments on it. The most simple and effective way to eliminate injurious algae is to bask the thallus in the sun for 1--2 hrs. and then to rinse it in the disinfectedsea water.2. For the purpose to prolong the growth period of the free--living filaments, thecarpospore-collecting should be taken place before the March.3. The production of the free-living filaments in each 800 ml. bottle is about 2--2. 5g.(wet wt.), under the conditions of sufficeent nutrient salts in the sea water and theintensity of illumination is above 1000 Lux.. By approximate estimation 20 bottlesof filaments are sufficient to meet the need for spore--coll ecting of the area l mu. net.4. In the night, by using running water to promoto the formation of binary branenedcells and the rate of spore-releasing of the filaments is a reliable way to obtainsufficient spores for cultivation5. The suitable date for spore--collecting is at the beginning till middle of Oclober.The optimum time for spore-collecting in a day is 9--11 a. m.
Journal of Fisheries of China