多巴胺拮抗物 pimozide(PIM)和 LHRH-A 协同作用能有效地诱导大鳞副泥鳅排卵,排卵率显著高于单独的 LHRH-A 和鱼脑垂体。采用一次同时注射的方式,较好的剂量是 PIM0.5微克/克体重+LHRH-A 0.05微克/克体重。PIM和 LHRH-A同时注射的效果比 PIM提前三小时注射的好。PIM+低剂量 LHRH-A(0.01微克/克体重)间隔 24小时进行两次注射的排卵率要比只注射一次的高。
The effects of the combination Of luteinizing hormone--releasing hormone ana-logues, des-Cly^(10)--(D-Ala^6)--LH-RH ethylamide (LHRH-A) with pimozide (PIM), adopamine antagonist, on induced ovulation in loach during spawing season were inves-tigated. A high rate of ovulation (nearly 100%) was observed within 24 hours whenPIM and LHRH--A were injected simultaneously. The rate of ovulation is much higherthan the ordinary fish pituitary injection groups. The effective dosage is PIM 0.5μg+ LHRH-A 0. 05μg/g body weight. The effect of injection PIM and LHRH-A injectedsimultaneously is better than that injected separately. If PIM + low dose of LHRH-A(0 .01μg/g bodyweight) was injected twice with an interval of 24 hours apart, the highrate of ovulation would be obtained. These results reveal the facts that PIM potentiatesthe effects of LHRH-A on induction of ovulation in loach.
Journal of Fisheries of China