This paper deals with rearing larval stage of mudskipper (Boleo-phthalmus pectinirostris) in reference to the feeding, development and the effectof different feeds on growth and survival of larvae. The brood fish were injectedwith HCG during the spawning season, the fertilized eggs were obtained by meansof semi-dry method. At one day after hatching, the larvae were reared in the outdoorcement pools, fed with different types of feeds and provided with sufficientaeration. The experiments inducated that there did exist a critical period of highmortality which occurred during 3-5 days after hatching. The deepest, sharpest andfastest physiological and ecological changes during the development of larvae occurredat the time of shift from endogenous (including mixed) nutrition to exogenous oneParticulate organic detritus of benthic diatoms decomposed by natural way may bethe initial diet of larvae. High survival rate of postlarvae(42.04%) was obtained andobserved at the end of rearing experiment. In addition to particulate organic detritus,copepods (nauplii, copepodites and adults) were gradually fed from six days afterhatching, and then the postlarvae grew well, with avervage total length of 6.15mm and average body weight of 1.24 mg at 16 days after hatching
Journal of Fisheries of China