In order to study crustal velocity structure fineIy in deep Scisinic Sounding.a fan profile is arrangd in some interested area. Comdining with the data from wide-angle reffection profile. 3- D crustal velocity struc-ture in the studied region can be controlled. However. do tor there is no a goud method in data prooessing and interpretation for fan profile. Here,a method is put forward,in which the target intersurfaoc is deseribed as a dip plane and the velocity of overlaid medium is a constant.also the target intersurfaoe xan be interrupted by fault.Through model experiment and analysis fur reflection data from target intersurface,the kinematio characteristics for reflection traveltimes is studied and discussed.Applying this method to real datd shows that the method is very efficient for data processing and interpretation in deep seismic soumding
Computing Techniques For Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration